Diabetic Guide 101 – Dates and Diabetes: Is It Safe To Eat Dates If You Have Diabetes?

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Diabetic Guide 101 – Dates and Diabetes: Is It Safe To Eat Dates If You Have Diabetes?

Dates, a popular fruit that is also regarded to be quite healthful. They’re usually sold dry and eaten alone or in smoothies, desserts, and other foods. People with diabetes, on the other hand, might be concerned about dates fruit for diabetics.

This blog evaluates whether dates are safe to eat for diabetics as well as prediabetics.

Are dates good for diabetics? Can a Diabetic Person Eat Dates? Here’s all about dates fruit for diabetics, its nutrition value, when to eat, and more.

Are dates good for diabetes?

Is Dates Good for diabetes? Can Diabetics Eat Dates?

Dates are a delightful fruit, but any diabetic will tell you that dates are on their “foods to avoid” list. However, on the contrary, Diabetics may benefit from dates’ high fiber content, according to specialists. Diabetics can consume up to two dates each day as long as they exercise caution and keep healthy eating habits in general.

Dates include nutrients that are easily absorbed. Dietary fibers, iron, potassium, vitamin B, B6, A, and K, tannins, copper, magnesium, manganese, niacin, pantothenic acid, and riboflavin are all found in date palms. They all aid in the improvement of your body’s metabolism.

Dietary Fiber:

It aids in blood pressure and inflammation reduction. Insoluble fiber intake also helps to lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.


Iron aids in the production of healthy red blood cells, which transport oxygen via your veins.


Only diabetics with renal problems should be cautious while ingesting potassium since high levels might cause their kidneys to malfunction. 

Vitamin B1:

When it comes to diabetics, thiamine, or Vitamin B1, protects you against nerve damage that diabetes can cause.

Vitamin B6:

This vitamin aids in the maintenance of a healthy nervous system and is beneficial in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy.

Vitamin A:

Vitamin A helps you retain your vision by preventing diabetic retinopathy, a disease that causes people with diabetes to lose their vision.


Copper aids in the reduction of various metabolic issues in diabetics, such as excessive tissue oxidation and protein-damaging glycations.


Magnesium helps to reduce your chances of developing Type 2 Diabetes since people with diabetes lose magnesium due to their increased blood sugar levels.


Manganese aids in the regulation of blood sugar levels in the body.

Vitamin B5: 

Also known as Pantothenic Acid, lowers the risk of neurological disorders and foot burning, both of which are frequent in diabetes patients.

Vitamin B2:

Riboflavin, often known as Vitamin B2, is a vitamin that promotes your body’s metabolism and improves nervous system health.

What are Dates?

Phoenix Dactyliferous, usually known as dates, is a flowering plant that belongs to the palm family. The fruit is clustered under the palm tree’s fronds and grows on Date Palm plants. The Middle East, where dates have been a mainstay for generations, is a great place to find these trees. Dates are difficult to harvest, and they are also carefully pollinated to assure a plentiful harvest.

Dates GI Index, Nutrient Content

Dates GI Index, Nutrient Content

Glycemic index and glycemic load

When determining if dates are good for diabetics, the glycemic index (GI) of dates is another thing to consider. The GI of food shows how it affects blood sugar levels.

Higher GI values are associated with foods that promote quicker and higher blood sugar surges. Foods with a lower GI, on the other hand, promote smaller blood sugar surges. Low-GI meals are those having a GI value of less than 55.

Dates have an average GI of 42, which makes them a low GI meal. Hence, when consumed in moderation, dates are safe for diabetics.

Furthermore, the nutrients in dates are easily absorbed and also aid in the development of your body’s metabolism.

Watch This Video to Know Best Fruits for Diabetes with Low GI

Benefits of Dates for Diabetes – Date Sugar for Diabetics Benefits

Benefits of dates for diabetes

Dates have a low Glycemic index value, which indicates they’re less likely to cause blood sugar spikes, which is why dates are a good choice for diabetics. Furthermore, dates have a medium GL, therefore eating one or two fruits at a time is a smart idea. When eaten with a source of protein, such as a bunch of nuts, the carbohydrates are absorbed a little more slowly, which helps to reduce blood sugar spikes.

Dates are high in a range of nutrients, including magnesium and potassium, as previously indicated. Fiber, carbs, and antioxidants are all abundant in them. They consist of a number of nutrients and compounds that can help patients with diabetes and insulin resistance like:


Dietary fiber aids in the gradual absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, preventing blood sugar spikes. According to studies, those who eat more fiber in their diet had a decreased risk of developing diabetes.

Dietary fiber also aids in the feeding of a person’s healthy gut flora, which is a crucial aspect of one’s overall health.


The magnesium content of two pitted Medjool dates is 26 milligrams. Based on the RDAs from the Office of Dietary Supplements, this equals 8% of an adult female’s RDA and 6% of a male’s RDA.

Magnesium has a function in blood sugar management; therefore, it makes dates advantageous for diabetics. It is believed that patients with type 2 diabetes have low magnesium levels in their bodies. Magnesium consumption may lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.

It also helps to keep blood pressure in check, which is vital for diabetics. This is because persons who have the ailment are at a higher risk of developing high blood pressure.


Two dates provide 334 mg of potassium per serving. This amounts to over 10% of an adult male’s RDA and nearly 13% of a female’s RD. Those with low potassium levels have high insulin and glucose levels, even if they have no other health problems. Potassium is also a key vitamin for controlling blood pressure.


Dates are high in antioxidants, which may help people with diabetes. Polyphenols, which are abundant in them, can help to decrease inflammation in the body.


Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring compounds that have effects in the body that are comparable to estrogen. Dried dates contain the second greatest amount of phytoestrogen of any fruit. Eating phytoestrogens in the form of dates may assist people with diabetes and obesity to regulate their blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance.

Is Dates Good for Diabetic Patients? Can Diabetics Eat Dates? Effect of Dates on Blood Sugar.

Effect of dates on blood sugar

Dates and Blood Sugar

Since dates are a low-GI food with a medium GL of two servings, therefore, when consumed in balance, they should not produce significant blood sugar spikes. People with diabetes did not suffer substantial blood sugar variations after consuming 7–10 dates, according to research.

Additionally, a modest 2018 research focused on the effect of four types of dried fruits on blood sugar levels, including dates.  White bread, which has a higher GI than dates, produced greater blood sugar surges than dried fruits, according to the study.

Furthermore, a 2015 study of 15 patients with diabetes found that ingesting 15 g of carbs from dates, raisins, or sugar had no effect on blood sugar levels 30 minutes, 60 minutes, or 120 minutes later.

Dates for Diabetes: Fresh vs. Dried Dates – Which is Healthier?

Dates for Diabetes: When it comes to fresh vs. dried fruits, fruits that are fresh, frozen, or canned are thought to be the finest selections. When purchasing canned fruits, look for one that is full of juice and has no added sugar,

Dried fruit and fruit juice are good options, but to minimize blood sugar spikes, people should eat moderate portions. As a result, these foods could be less fulfilling.

The following fruit portions provide about 15 g of carbohydrates:

  • 1 small piece of whole fruit
  • 3/4–1 cup of fresh berries or melon
  • 1/3–1/2 cup of fruit juice
  • 1/2 cup frozen or canned fruit
  • 2 tablespoons of dried fruit (raisins, for example)

How many dates can a diabetic eat in a day

Since dates don’t really spike your blood sugar levels, those with diabetes can probably consume 2–3 dates at a time. However, people with diabetes have to limit their carbohydrate consumption to keep their blood sugar levels steady, so they should check with their healthcare provider first to be sure this is safe.

When to eat dates

When to eat dates? When is the best time to eat dates?

The ideal time to eat is when you’re hungry or just want to eat, regardless of what you’re considering eating.

However, it is believed that the body digests food best at certain times and that eating outside of certain times causes poor digestion, there is no scientific evidence to back up these statements.

Before the food even enters your mouth, the human body is prepared to digest it. It starts releasing digestive enzymes in the mouth and keeps releasing them all throughout the digestive process.

In reality, your body can determine the type of enzymes required to digest the food based on the macronutrient ratio of the food — its carbohydrate, protein, and fat content — and can do so at any time of the day.

There are times when eating dates is considered as a good idea for diabetics, such as:

During breakfast: 

Dates are a great way to get some natural sweetness and fiber into your diet first thing in the morning. Furthermore, their high fiber content will keep you full and happy all morning.

As a snack in the afternoon:  

Dates are abundant in natural sugars and a good source of fiber. This combination of fiber and sugar causes a gradual rise in blood sugar, allowing you to feel stimulated without feeling sluggish.

When you’re hungry:

Dates are a concentrated source of calories and, because of their high fiber content, they’re highly satisfying. Pair dates with peanut butter for a fantastic dose of fiber, carbohydrates, and protein if you’re hungry but don’t want to eat a full meal.

Before an exercise: 

Although dates are generally high in sugar, they do not cause a rapid rise in blood sugar. Rather, they give a form of slow-release carb that will provide you with a consistent supply of energy throughout your workout. 30–60 minutes before a workout, try having 2–4 dates.

As a bedtime snack:

Due to their high fiber content, they make a great bedtime snack. Fiber takes longer to digest, so it might help you remain fuller for longer and avoid nighttime hunger cravings.

Dates and Prediabetes – Good for People with Prediabetes?

Good for people with prediabetes?

A lot of people, even those with diabetes and prediabetes, can benefit from moderate quantities of dates. Those with prediabetes can benefit from the same foods that help those with diabetes.

According to several studies, eating a magnesium-rich diet can lower the incidence of type 2 diabetes. Other research suggests that taking the supplement might help persons with prediabetes and low magnesium levels improve their blood sugar levels.

Those who have prediabetes should keep a close eye on their carbohydrate consumption to avoid blood sugar swings that can progress to type 2 diabetes.

Quick FAQs On Dates and Diabetes

Does Eating Dates Cause Diabetes? /  Does Dates Cause Diabetes?

No, eating dates in low amounts is less likely to cause blood sugar levels to rise as dates are low in glycemic index. Thus, eating dates in moderation will not cause diabetes. 

Dates Good for Diabetics? / Are Dates Good for Diabetics? / Are Dates Good for Diabetic Patients?

Date contains several vitamins and minerals, in addition to fiber and antioxidants which are much needed for diabetes. 

So, Diabetics can consume up to two dates each day as long as they exercise and keep eating healthy foods.

Can Diabetic Patients Eat Dates / Can We Eat Dates in Diabetes?

Yes, dates are the best source to provide protein and fiber to our body, and eating 1-2 dates will help diabetes to be healthy and active.

Are dates high in sugar?

Dates have a GI index of 42, which is considered safe for diabetes which can be consumed in moderate amounts.

Do dates increase blood sugar?

Dates do not cause blood sugar levels to spike as they are low in sugar content ( Low GI ) and pretty much safe to consume in low amounts.

Conclusion – Diabetes and Dates: Can a person with diabetes eat dates?

Dates are delicious and nutritious fruit to add to your diet. They’re high in a variety of minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, all of which can help with everything from digestion to illness prevention. Dates can be consumed in a variety of ways. They’re commonly used as a natural sweetener in a variety of cuisines. They’re also delicious as a snack. Dates are also easier to come by in dried form, though they are higher in calories than fresh fruit, so be very cautious while eating them.

For many people with diabetes and prediabetes, dates may be a tasty and harmless indulgence. Dates can also be eaten as a snack or used as a sweetener in oatmeal, desserts, and other dishes, so it’s safe to claim that they can satisfy your natural food cravings without causing any harm.

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