Everything You Should Know about Insulin Resistance & Insulin Sensitivity!

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Everything You Should Know about Insulin Resistance & Insulin Sensitivity!

In This Blog, You Will Get To Know

Do you know that knowing and applying some traditional techniques can help you fight diabetes naturally? There are numerous ayurvedic herbs that are known to relieve diabetic symptoms and you will get to know about all of them in this article. Most people suffering from Diabetes are often not aware of the basic facts about Insulin Sensitivity and Insulin Resistance. Some specific terminologies and facts about Diabetes can help you understand your body. These facts will help you make decisions about your diet and activities to fight Diabetes. 

This article will equip you with all the knowledge required to fight this lifestyle disorder and live healthier and happier. Understanding and implementing Ayurvedic cures mentioned in this article can change your life forever!

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Let’s begin with knowing the basic facts behind your body functions

Insulin Sensitivity 

Insulin Sensitivity is basically the sensitivity of human body cells when they are exposed to Insulin. In Ideal case scenarios, high insulin sensitivity enables the body to process glucose effectively. This keeps a check on the sugar levels in your body and maintains a healthy level. 

Insulin resistance is referred to as the condition in which insulin sensitivity is low, and Glucose is not efficiently processed. This is the major cause of Diabetes. This is also the reason because of why doctors prescribe insulin injections to patients.

[Also Read Improve your Insulin sensitivity with these 2 naturally available vitamins]

Insulin Resistance Causes

The first question that will strike your mind is what builds Insulin resistance? Why do blood cells become insensitive to Insulin in the first place? There are numerous factors that can cause Insulin resistance, and the major ones are – 

Insulin Resistance Causes

  • Heredity is one of the biggest causes. Your body cells will react according to their genetic information
  • Obesity is another major factor
  • Irregular or less sleep
  • Smoking
  • Lack of exercise and other physical activities
  • Excessive belly fat

Symptoms of Insulin Resistance

Awareness is the key to fighting diabetes and its effects on your body. There have been numerous incidents in which people have controlled and even reversed the symptoms in the starting. 

Diabetes does not attack instantly but is accompanied by various symptoms that must be taken seriously. If you are facing any of the mentioned symptoms, it is time to get tested and take action – 

Symptoms of Insulin Resistance

  • A strong urge to eat and drink
  • Feeling hungry even after meals
  • Frequent urination 
  • Lethargy; feeling tired all day long
  • Tingling sensation in hands and feet
  • Blood clots take more time to heal
  • And a few others

[Also Read How lack of sleep is related to insulin resistance]

Insulin Levels and their normal range

Glucose tolerance level is the most effective and popular method to track Diabetes. You must be aware of the standard and elevated levels of Glucose so that you can monitor your health. 

The way to administer this test is by first making you drink a sugary drink that has a specific amount of sugar. After two hours of administration, the results are checked – 

Insulin Levels and Their Normal Range

Understanding the core of Diabetes and its issues  

The pancreas is the organ that produces insulin in your body. This Insulin is responsible for processing Glucose in food. Due to various reasons as listed above, the pancreas stops producing enough insulin, and the blood sugar level increases. 

Understanding the core of Diabetes and its issues  

There are various issues related to Diabetes including – 

  • Nerve Damage
  • Heart problems
  • Foot damage
  • Skin conditions
  • Kidney damage
  • And many others

Improve insulin sensitivity

Numerous studies and research have been done on all the ways mentioned in this subsection. Let’s dig deep and understand the relevance of each method  – 

Best Ways to Increase/Improve Insulin Sensitivity

  • Sleep – Having a sound sleep is extremely important for your health. Sleep is directly linked to numerous factors, and you must make sure to have at least 8 hours of continuous sleep.
  • Exercise – Exercise is the solution to almost all health problems. Exercise helps you to reduce weight, which will directly manage your glucose levels. Regular exercise is the key to boosting your insulin sensitivity.
  • More Fiber in your diet – Fiber in your diet has multiple benefits and increases your metabolism. Metabolism is directly linked to the processing of Glucose in the blood.
  • Green Tea – Numerous studies have been done which state the effect and importance of Green Tea in maintaining Glucose levels.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar will serve two purposes for you. Some studies report the impact on Diabetes and increasing metabolism. Apple cider vinegar will also help you to shed that extra weight to maintain your health. 
  • Ayurvedic and natural herbs – Multiple natural and ayurvedic herbs have been used for centuries to cure diseases. Diabetes is a lifestyle disease and has popped up majorly in the last decade. These natural herbs can help you control your Diabetes.
  • Stress – Stress is directly linked to the reasons that cause Diabetes. A sedentary lifestyle and stress can ignite the fire of Diabetes. You must make sure to keep your mind free of stress and worries, which will help keep your Diabetes in track.
  • Avoid Carbohydrates and specially Maida – Carbohydrates and fats result in increasing your weight and also increasing insulin resistance. These foods must be avoided at all times to keep your body healthy.
  • Avoid eating excessive sugars – Added sugars and artificial sugars directly cause a spike in sugar levels. You might feel the urge to consume sugars, and you can satisfy this urge by consuming natural sugars present in fruits but in a limited quantity. Also, only specific fruits are suitable for consumption.

[Also Read Does Intake of Insulin Increases OR Decreases Your Body Weight?]

Natural ways to improve insulin sensitivity

Natural ways to improve insulin sensitivity

Insulin sensitivity plays an important role in a diabetic. It helps in improving blood glucose levels and better absorption of glucose. It is vital in improving the cellular absorption of glucose and helps in controlling diabetes.

Influence of Sleep on Diabetes

Lack of sleep and sleep impairment due to a busy schedule impact blood glucose levels. Sleeping relaxes your mind and body optimizing the organ function. Lack of sleep causes insulin resistance and difficulty maintaining blood glucose levels.

Impact of Exercise on Diabetes

Exercise releases endorphins and helps the smooth transition of glucose into the muscles. Exercise supplies enough oxygen to the cells rejuvenating them. It also helps improve insulin sensitivity.

Free yourself of stress

Stress causes a fight-or-flight response. This response breaks down glycogen into glucose.  Excess stress hormones can cause insulin resistance. Release your stress either by listening to music or meditation, walking, and other methods.

Incorporate a nutritious diet rich in soluble fibre

Soluble fibre satiates you and helps in emptying the bowel. Here is a list of foods rich in soluble fibre you need to consume if you are a diabetic. Include sweet potatoes, lima beans, avocados, beetroots, turnips, oats, and barley. Fibres in vegetables and fruits have a water content that makes them ideal for consumption. Include fibres in your diet and see the remarkable benefits.

Include diets rich in fruits and vegetables

Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C and enhance immune system function. Green leafy vegetables, broccoli, zucchini, and red onions help regulate blood glucose levels. These fruits improve insulin sensitivity helping cells absorb glucose. Berries are rich in antioxidants and other nutrients. They also help in fighting bad cholesterol as they strengthen immune system response.

Fasting to improve insulin sensitivity

Fasting is good to remove impurities from the body. It also helps burn fat with a significant drop in blood glucose levels. Intermittent fasting has a healing effect on people with metabolic disorders. Fasting improves insulin sensitivity and helps control blood glucose levels.

Intake of foods rich in healthy fats

If you are a diabetic, you might feel like eating every now and then. How about munching on a few nuts enriched with healthy fats? Food rich in healthy fats includes fatty fish, nuts, olive oil, seeds, nuts, seed butter, and olives. Consume these in moderation for improved insulin sensitivity.

Reduce intake of carbohydrates

Consume carbohydrates in moderation to prevent a sudden rise in blood sugar levels. Refrain from eating fast food, instant noodles as they are rich in trans fats and sugar. Avoid these foods to prevent sudden increases in blood glucose levels.  

Drink Green tea

A beverage rich in antioxidants helps in losing weight. It is also good for brain function. Green tea helps in managing blood glucose levels. A nutritional beverage free from calories keeps you refreshed. Enriched with polyphenols, green tea reduces health complications associated with diabetes.

Shed extra kilos

An increase in weight can cause insulin resistance. This leads to a decrease in insulin sensitivity giving rise to type 2 diabetes. Excess weight causes fat storage in the liver and increases cellular resistance. Losing extra kilos increase insulin sensitivity to better cellular absorption. Losing extra kilos reduces insulin resistance and reduces your chance of further complications associated with diabetes.

Include herbs and spices in your cooking

Indian foods use various spices and herbs in cooking dishes. Turmeric, pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, and cloves are a few among them. They not only enhance taste but also have medicinal effects on the body. The use of herbs and spices improves insulin sensitivity. Know more here.

Role of complex carbohydrates on Diabetes

Fibre, vitamins and minerals are abundant in complex carbohydrates. They do not cause a sudden rise in the blood sugar levels. They satiate you and keep you away from regular hunger pangs which is common in a diabetic. The role of complex carbohydrates in diabetes is maximum in preventing a sudden increase in blood glucose levels. Find out how complex carbohydrates can play a pivotal role in improving insulin sensitivity.

Include healthy supplements

Resveratrol is a compound present in red grapes. You can consume them to improve insulin sensitivity. You can consume cinnamon, American ginseng, turmeric, vitamin D, and berberine as these are natural healthy supplements that improve insulin sensitivity. They not only improve insulin sensitivity but also help improve health.

Diets rich in Lean proteins ideal for diabetes

Consume proteins as it keeps you satiated. It also helps preserve lean body mass. You can eat black beans, kidney beans, hummus, falafel, black-eyed peas, and chickpeas. Consume lentils to improve blood glucose levels. Proteins keep you away from craving food often. This prevents an increase in body weight due to excess food consumption.

Traditional Ayurvedic Cure that Increases Insulin Sensitivity using medicinal herbs used for centuries    

Ayurveda is one of the most elegant forms of medicine used for centuries. It includes conventional ways and herbs that have been used for centuries to treat various illnesses. One of these is Diabetes, or we may also call it Madhumeha. Madhumeha has existed in history and has been treated with Ayurvedic herbs in the past. 

Let me enlighten you with some of the herbs which have been proven to be the most effective for centuries. 

Fenugreek For Diabetes, Benefits of Fenugreek, Side Effects and Dosage

Herbs to Improve Insulin Sensitivity 


Fenugreek to Improve Insulin Sensitivity

Fenugreek is known for its hundreds of benefits, along with its massive impact on Diabetes. It is known to slow the processing of foods, including carbohydrates and Sugars, which basically does the job of Insulin. It is a beautiful addition to your diet to help take you off or reduce medicines.

Also Read: Fenugreek For Diabetes, Benefits of Fenugreek, Side Effects and Dosage

Aloe vera

Aloe Vera Improves Insulin Sensitivity

Aloe Vera is known to treat multiple illnesses with proper use. It has numerous properties, and one of them is its ability to reduce fat lipids in the blood, which directly helps control blood sugar levels. Multiple types of research have been done on Aloe vera and point to the same benefits. You can choose to drink it or consume it with a supplement.

Also Read: Aloe Vera for Diabetes and Aloe Vera Uses, Side Effects and Dosage


Cinnamon to Improve Insulin Sensitivity

Cinnamon has multiple benefits as a herb for Diabetes. One of the biggest ones if its taste is sweet. It is used by people as an alternative to sugar. The best thing is that it has been tested to treat insulin resistance and has an effect on controlling sugar levels.

Also read:Cinnamon: Health Benefits for Diabetes

Bitter melon

Bitter Melon to Improve Insulin Sensitivity

A number of ways to consume bitter melon for your benefit include seeds, juice, and supplements. It cannot act as a sole medicine for Diabetes but often proves to reduce medicines and improve your overall health. Consumption on a regular basis is highly recommended.

Also Read: Benefits of Bitter Gourd or Karela Juice Benefits


Gymnema Improves Insulin Sensitivity

Leaf extract of Gymnema is the best form to consume for the best effects. It is especially advised for type 2 diabetes, which is the most common type of Diabetes. It is known to promote insulin production in your body and maintain the sugar balance.

Ginger / Curcumin

Ginger / Curcumin Improves Insulin Sensitivity

Ginger has medicinal properties. It helps reduce symptoms of cough and cold. Ginger tea, supplements, and addition to food are some of the common ways to consume this herb. It will build your immune system and will also help in fighting other diseases.

Also Read:Ayurvedic Herbs – Turmeric And Diabetes

Reverse Insulin Resistance and Deal with Diabetes in a Better Way!

Sugar Knocker is one of the most revolutionary solutions to Diabetes in the modern world. Years of research went behind producing the Ayurvedic solution consisting of a number of herbs. Based on the results that we get, we are constantly evolving and upgrading Sugar Knocker to increase its effect on the human body. It consists of all the significant herbs required to control glucose levels and boost your natural body functions. 

Mr Rao is one of the lucky users of Sugar Knocker who was relying on Insulin for more than 20 years. Insulin could resolve his issues, and he actually had to increase his doses to sustain the same effect. 

Watch this Video and See How Sugar Knocker Helped Mr Rao in Increasing his Sensitivity…

Sugar Knocker came as a blessing as it helped him control the glucose levels rising in his body. The main logic behind the product is the power of centuries of tradition of herbs to cure Madhumeha.

Answers for Frequently Asked Questions on Insulin Sensitivity and Insulin Resistance

Frequenty Asked Questions on Insulin Sensitivity and Insulin Resistance

How long does it take to improve insulin sensitivity?

Insulin sensitivity takes around 3 to 5 days with a workout routine for half an hour every day. Continue this for eight weeks to get the best results. Eat a nutritious diet, proper sleep, and exercise to improve insulin sensitivity. Taking healthy supplements may also help with insulin sensitivity.

What happens when you improve insulin sensitivity?

Improvement in insulin sensitivity helps the body’s ability to absorb glucose.

How to improve cell sensitivity to insulin?

Incorporate a healthy diet, exercise, and active lifestyle to improve sensitivity to insulin.

What factors affect insulin sensitivity?

Obesity and lack of physical activity affect insulin sensitivity.

How to reduce insulin resistance?

Consume foods rich in complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Include dairy and healthy fats.

What are natural ways to reduce insulin resistance?

Consume foods rich in fiber, protein, and healthy fats to reduce insulin resistance.

What are natural ways to improve insulin sensitivity?

Lose extra pounds, eat soluble fibre, and reduce your intake of carbohydrates. Reduce sugars and add vegetables and fruits to your diet. These are some of the natural ways to improve insulin sensitivity.

What is the impact of exercise on insulin sensitivity?

Exercise helps in toning muscles. It also helps in muscular contraction and relaxation. Insulin sensitivity increases glucose transport in the cells.

What is the effect of a nutritious diet on insulin sensitivity?

Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that help in insulin uptake by the cells. Improve insulin sensitivity by including a nutritious diet.

What happens when you take supplements to improve insulin sensitivity?

Use natural supplements to improve insulin sensitivity. Learn more.

Which fruits improve insulin sensitivity?

Lemons, oranges, and limes. Watermelon, muskmelon, mango, and pineapple improve insulin sensitivity.

Which vegetables can improve insulin sensitivity?

Green-leafy vegetables, cauliflowers, cabbage, spinach, tomatoes, asparagus, carrots, pepper, and green beans.

What is the impact of fasting on improving insulin sensitivity?

Fasting removes toxins from the blood and maintains blood glucose levels.

Do you think intermittent fasting can help improve insulin sensitivity?

Eating food at regular intervals is good to maintain blood glucose levels. Continuous eating also disrupts the process of metabolism. Intermittent fasting is efficient with a significant drop in blood glucose levels.

What are the effects of complex carbohydrates in improving insulin sensitivity?

Complex carbohydrates satiate you and have fibres and other essential nutrients. They prevent sudden spikes in blood glucose levels.

What are natural ways to reduce insulin resistance?

Eating a diet rich in fibre, proteins and healthy fats reduces insulin resistance. This reduces insulin resistance and prevents further complications.

How to decrease insulin resistance naturally?

Be active and lead a healthy lifestyle, incorporating exercise, and a nutritious diet. Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking to prevent sudden raise in blood sugar levels. This helps reduce insulin resistance naturally.

Which foods to avoid if you are a diabetic?

Foods to avoid would include instant foods that are rich in trans fats, fast food, and fried foods. Avoid carbonated beverages to prevent an increase in blood glucose levels.

What causes insulin resistance?

Obesity and a diet rich in carbohydrates cause insulin resistance.

Which foods you should avoid if you have insulin resistance?

Soda, juice, sweet tea, white rice, white bread, and ultra-processed foods.

How do you deal with insulin resistance?

Deal with insulin resistance by following an active lifestyle, and substitute sugars.

Is insulin resistance genetic?

In certain cases, insulin resistance can be genetic. Excess weight can cause insulin resistance.


We would like to conclude by saying that no matter how much we advance in life, we are always attached to history. Ayurveda is the basis for thousands of studies and actively helps treat numerous diseases. 

In certain cases, insulin resistance can be genetic. Excess weight can cause insulin resistance.

We are aware of the well-being and health conditions of people living about 100 years ago. This teaches us something about the medicines they used and their effects. I would highly encourage the readers to try and adopt Ayurveda as a solution to Diabetes.

7 Replies to “Everything You Should Know about Insulin Resistance & Insulin Sensitivity!”

  1. For the last 9 months,Iam using Sugar knocker 1,2,1 in the morning,noon,night
    respectively yielding progressive fall in glucose level,inspite of reduced intake of
    Insulin. Hats off to producers of Sugar knocker.Infact I started recommending this
    to my relatives and close friends,from whom iam getting very good feedback!
    Once again big thanks.

    1. Hi Sundaram,

      Thanks for commenting. We are happy to hear that your glucose level have reduced. Stay Healthy!

      Thank you

  2. Sugar knocker taken regularly will definitely reduce your sugar. I have been taking this for the past 3 months for my insulin resistance and I have noticed my sugar levels are nor in normal range .

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