Seasonal Tips for Diabetics – Diabetes Winter Care Tips for Healthy Living

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Seasonal Tips for Diabetics – Diabetes Winter Care Tips for Healthy Living

Extreme temperature changes have a significant impact on your blood sugar. Too high or too low a temperature can disrupt your body’s normal insulin-producing mechanism. That’s why a lot of diabetic individuals struggle with swings in temperatures.

Such temperature variation also impacts your sugar testing equipment and medication. As a result, sometimes, you won’t get the right test results, and your medication won’t perform as it should. According to an NCBI report, extreme temperature changes can increase the risk of a spike in blood sugar.

Winter and Diabetes

As the mercury starts falling, your blood sugar, too, can go out of control. This is because your body secretes HbA1c to keep itself warm. Moreover, the sunshine is less; you tend to sleep more, adopt an inactive lifestyle and start eating more. You might even skip your routine exercise. There is also a tradition of consuming food with jaggery in winter, especially in North India.

Once all these factors combine, they can disrupt your blood sugar levels. So cometh the winter, it’s vital to take extra care to keep your blood sugar in check. But how do you do that?

Well, it’s not much difficult. All you have to do is take certain precautions with minor changes to your routine. You do that, and you are good to go!

Here are some tips that can help you manage your Diabetes efficiently.

Practical Tips Diabetics must know For a Healthy Winter

Managing Diabetes during winter is easy. Let’s find out how!

Eat Mindfully

Now we understand the desire to stuff some delicious and piping hot food in chilling winters. But it’s important to eat mindfully. Do not compromise your timetable and portion size. Also, eat in multiple slots instead of eating in a single sitting. There will be many temptations, but stay away from them!

Some vegetables can help maintain healthy blood vessels and blood flow. These vegetables include carrots, beetroots, fenugreek leaves, and spinach. They provide the necessary energy needed for the body to function properly. If you feel like eating something delicious, make sure you prepare it at home. But that, too, should be prepared in less oil and ghee. Avoid processed and glucose–laden food at all costs.

Keep your testing device and insulin away from Cold

Insulin solution is very susceptible to extreme temperatures. If you keep not storing it properly, it might not have the desired effect after use. Moreover, your blood sugar level test equipment and insulin equipment are also sensitive to extreme temperatures. Your Glucometer is also temperature sensitive. So, store them all in a relatively warm and dry place.

It’s very important to ensure 100% functionality of all these devices. You don’t know when you are going to need them. And you do not want them to malfunction when you need them the most.

Don’t skip your health tests and expert consultations

Regular health check ups are vital for everybody. And if you have Diabetes, it becomes more important. No matter the weather, you must never skip your health tests. Routine health tests are necessary as they give the doctor a clear idea about your condition. This can help the doctor make any modifications to your medication if needed.

Moreover, if you experience any new symptoms or see your symptoms getting severe, get in touch with your doctor immediately. It’s very important to watch for any early signs of trouble. This can save you from severe complications.

Stay hydrated

Water is very important for the efficient functioning of your body. For diabetic patients, staying hydrated is crucial. The more water you drink, the less sugar concentration in your blood. So your kidney won’t have to overwork.

As frequent urination is common in Winter, you must rehydrate yourself with sufficient water. We understand you might feel tired of going to the loo more frequently; it’s for your benefit. It will flush out excess sugar from your body, reducing your blood sugar levels. So drink as much water as you can, especially in winter.  

Keep an eye on your feet

Many studies indicate that the feet are the most affected region of a diabetic patient. As Diabetes impacts nerves and most of them end in your feet, your feet might start losing sensation slowly. So if you hurt your foot or have an injury, you won’t even feel it. This can lead to further infection, and you might need an amputation.

So make sure you take proper care of your feet. Wear the right-sized footwear, and moisture-wicking socks can help keep your feet dry. Moreover, after consulting your doctor, you can use moisturizers and other products to keep them free from infection. Also, make sure you don’t injure your feet.

Boost immunity to stay safe from infections.

Immunity is vital for a diabetic patient. Unfortunately, winter often brings along multiple infections like flu and Cold. For diabetic patients, such infections can be fatal. So do everything in your power to stay safe. Take your medications and vaccines regularly. Adopt a habit of thoroughly cleaning your hands with soap every couple hours. Also, add certain food and beverages that can help boost your immunity.

Vitamin C can be very helpful. Maintain a balanced diet of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, proteins, and healthy fats. Eat enough protein-rich foods like chicken, seafood, eggs, nuts, beans or dairy. Aim to eat about 25-30 grams of protein per meal. But before adding anything to your diet, consult your doctor first. Only they can suggest the right immunity booster for you.

Keep your hands warm 

Regular blood sugar testing is very important in winter. But it’s difficult to take out the blood if your hands are cold. So make sure your hands are warm, especially before the test. You can warm them by washing them with warm water. A more practical solution is to use woolen gloves.

Stay Active & Keep Yourself Physically Active

Yes, we understand the blanket’s warmth is all you need in chilly weather. But don’t make cold an excuse to skip your routine. Don’t sit ideally and stay active. When you stay active, you can avoid binge eating. Additionally, you burn calories, and calories come from sugar.

So staying active in winter is super important to check your blood sugar levels. You don’t need to go to the gym and hit the floor. You can do some basic exercise at your home. You can also take a walk or jog a bit. But make sure you are not going out when it’s too cold, or it will raise the possibility of infection.  

Use hot water bags correctly

Hot water bags bring need relief in winter, right? But it’s important to use them correctly. Many patients suffer from neuropathy, i.e. the lack of sensitivity in the skin due to Diabetes. So if you have the same condition, it’s important to take extra care.

Keeping warm water bags directly on your skin might burn, and you won’t even notice it. However, such burns can lead to infection and even gangrene in some cases. So make sure you put a towel or a pillow between your hot water bags and your skin. This will ensure you do not get burnt.

7-hours Sleep

Whether you have Diabetes or not, good sleep is very important. It ensures the normal functioning of your body. And if you are a diabetic patient, 7 hours of sleep is vital. Not more, not less. There are multiple studies that suggest that diabetic patients who tend to sleep too less or too much more than 7 hours a day are at higher risk of further complications.

7 hours of sleep reduces your insulin resistance, makes you less hungry & you can lose weight easily. Moreover, good sleep reduces the risk of high blood pressure. This reduces the risk of cardiac arrest. Good sleep is also important for excellent immunity and helps you fight stress.

Managing Diabetes doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By making small changes to our lifestyle, staying vigilant with our blood sugar levels and following the guidance of our healthcare provider, we can easily keep Diabetes under control, even during the colder months and beyond.


Winter is a great season & we hope you enjoy it. But at the same time, you also have to manage your blood sugar levels. If you are not well aware and active, you might get into serious complications. We hope these tips will help you stay safe and healthy in the winter season.

Remember, these are generic tips that apply to almost every diabetic patient. You should consult your local doctor or physician for more information and detailed diet planning.

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