Diabetes is not just the problem of today but has prevailed in the country for a long time now. Gradually, people changed the perspective of looking at this as a disease and shifted towards seeing it as a disorder that is curable. Natural treatment and home remedies for diabetes are being adopted these days. It is proven that simple lifestyle changes can bring about massive advantages in treating it. This article will give you insights on how to achieve this.
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Diabetics According to Ayurveda
Ayurveda is one of the oldest healing systems that was founded in India. Diabetes is a disease for which treatment should focus on the main root cause. Ayurveda is one such form of healing that does not have any side-effects. According to Ayurveda, diabetes is just a metabolic disorder and not a disease. It requires a multi-faceted approach. One needs to focus on a lot of lifestyle changes along with natural medicine and natural treatment to cure diabetes. That is why Ayurveda is considered one of the most reliable natural treatment to eradicate diabetes. There are 24 types of diabetes that can affect the human body. All these can be cured easily with the right intake of herbs, natural medicine or supplements, yoga/exercise and clearing of the auto-antibodies through Panchakarma.
[Also Read From history to the future of diabetes from ancient ayurveda]
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Current Diabetes Stats in India
Did you know that India is called the world capital of Diabetes? This is an alarming statement because the disorder is so widespread in our country. For many years now, diabetes has become a persistent problem in India and researches are being made continually to cure diabetes completely using natural medicine. In today’s scenario, about 62 million Indians are being affected by diabetes. This is such a massive number and is also a disorder that prevails for the entire lifetime.
The causes of developing diabetes can be plenty like heredity, unhealthy eating habits, increased intake of surgery foods like beverages, cold drinks and many more. This is the reason why many doctors and researchers are developing an effective and natural treatment for curing it. This has been very successful in recent times and people are slowly getting over the tiring routine of using insulin. Also proven natural medicine is capable of reducing the stringent restrictions over the food to eat. In fact, many are opting for Ayurveda over Allopathy to experience enhanced results.
[Also Read Ayurveda For Diabetes: How To Manage Diabetes Naturally]
Home remedies for diabetes
Basically, diabetes is of two types, Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 diabetes is developed in children and is not a very common issue. It arises when the immunity cells in the body start destroying the beta cells in the pancreas. The type 2 diabetes is very common and many people in India having diabetes fall into this category. This is otherwise called as Hyperglycemia in which the body produces sugar higher than normal. Both types can be treated and there are a number of ways to treat diabetes.
Aahara-Vihaara-Aushadhi is an ancient form of curing diseases by balancing the dosha present in the body. This is a natural treatment followed by Ayurveda which involves the intake of proper natural medicine, dietary restrictions and good physical activities.
Aahara-Vihaara-Aushadhi literally means Diet, Lifestyle and medicine. These three are inseparable and when followed in the right way, they can be highly effective. Overall, Ayurveda is considered as the most reliable method to overcome any disease in the human body.
Also Read: Cultivate this Proven Formula of “Aahara-Vihaara-Aushadhi” for Better Life
Natural Way to Treat Diabetes
There are several proven natural treatment methods to cure diabetes. The only condition is that you need to follow these methods regularly for at least three months to reduce the sugar levels. After a certain period of time, this will become a habit and you will love the end result of it. Here are the possible ways and some home remedies to treat diabetes.
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Drinking lots of water is a remedy for treating plenty of everyday health issues. When you stay hydrated all day, you prevent a number of diseases and diabetes is one of them. This helps the kidneys flush the excess sugar from your body easily.
Lack of micronutrients like chromium, magnesium in the daily diet is considered to be one of the major reasons for high sugar levels. One can take supplements of these or intake foods like bananas, broccoli, whole grains, beans etc.
Regular exercise and yoga is the best way to increase insulin sensitivity. This stimulates your body to use up all the sugar present in your blood. Walking, jogging, running, weight lifting, swimming, cycling are some activities other than yoga.
[Also Read Diabetes: Here is How to Manage Diabetes with Exercise]
Follow Panchakarma
This is a complete cleansing program that removes all auto-antibodies that are developed near the pancreas. It involves herbal massages, fasting, herbal steam bath etc. Panchakarma is a natural treatment that also cleanses your digestive tract. Also, follow Ayurveda and intake natural supplements to regulate blood sugar levels in a better way.
[Also Read Ayurveda , Supplements, Herbs to control Blood Sugar]
Why Natural Ways To Be Opted to Treat Diabetes?
Diabetes is a life-threatening health disorder in the present day. This is because a diabetic person can develop several other diseases like kidney failure, heart diseases, cataract, strokes, liver damage and other minor issues too. Allopathic medicines can be helpful but they only help in controlling the levels of blood sugar. When one opts the natural ways or natural treatment they can live a less restricted life. One can also experience more peace, liveliness and goodness in life.
Herbs that can help to treat diabetes
There are about 170 herbs present today that can be used for treating diabetes. Some have high potency in fighting the disorder while some may be slow in the process. Here is a list of the most effective herbs for natural treatment
Also Read Herbs and Herbal Supplements: Everything You Need to Know
Some other foods that can be used as home remedies for diabetes are also mentioned below.
Also Read Diabetes diet: Make your Healthy Food Choices and Eating Plan
The major benefit of using these herbs as a natural medicine in your daily routine will actually reduce the damaging effect of diabetes. They lower the level of sugar in the blood and help in curing the disorder, unlike insulin which only reduces the levels of sugar. That is the purpose of Ayurveda and these herbs have increased the chances of curing a diabetic person completely.
Also Read Fruit and Diabetes: Limits, guidelines, risks, and tips
About Sugar Knocker
Sugar Knocker is wonderful Ayurvedic natural medicine especially formulated with 11 selective herbs such as Bitter melon, Gurmar, Vijayasar, Salacia, Black Jamun, Indian gooseberry, Heart-leaved moonseed, Holy Basil, Turmeric, Cinnamon, Banaba.
Want to Know More About Herbal Ingredients of Sugar Knocker? Visit Herbal Ingredients
These herbs are having a high potency of treating diabetes in a more effective way than other conventional methods.
The main aim of developing this natural treatment was not to create an alternative to other medicines but to provide people with a herbal supplement for managing diabetes in a better way. This natural medicine is done with the right blend of natural ingredients that will help you regulate your sugar levels by managing your Aahara-Vihaara-Aushadhi. This Ayurvedic natural treatment has NO SIDE EFFECTS as all ingredients are safe to be consumed by anyone.
Experts Advice on Sugar Knocker
Dr. B M Hegde – MD, FRCP(Lond.), FRCP(Edin.), FRCP(Glas.), FRCP(Dub.), FACC(U.S.A.). FAMS, Formerly Vice Chancellor, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal India.
Dr. Seetharam Prasad – MD (Ayu.) Supervised testing of sugar knocker at his clinic.
Current Stats of Sugar Knocker Users
Sugar Knocker has benefited several customers in India and all of them are highly satisfied with the result it gives. There are more than 14,687 customers in India who are completely satisfied with natural medicine. We have achieved a customer satisfaction ratio of 87.68% and increasing. We also take pride in introducing our natural treatment in other countries which is gaining popularity too. At present, we have successfully gained 12+ countries’ customers.
Top Reasons to Opt Sugar Knocker
You may be wondering why to choose Sugar Knocker and what are its benefits. Sugar Knocker does not interact with your already existing prescription and works on the root cause of diabetes in your body. So, here are the reasons to opt Sugar Knocker as a food supplement.
- It is a natural medicine that has no side effects.
- Prevents microvascular damage, diabetic retinopathy and other oxidative damage.
- Increases the uptake of glucose by cells effectively.
- Regenerates the lipid mechanism in the body.
- Regenerates the beta cells of islets of pancreatic tissues and promotes better functioning.
Story on Mr Rao from Vizag
Mr Rao from Vizag had shared his experiences on using Sugar Knocker for a year with us. He said that he was using allopathic tablets and insulin to control sugar levels previously. Later he shifted to Sugar Knocker. After that, he has experienced substantial changes and a more effective lowering of sugar in his body. Mr. Rao added that he recommends Sugar Knocker to every diabetic patient. He also highlighted the benefits of Ayurveda, natural medicine, natural treatment and how it can make our lives healthier.
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