Diabetes is when a patient’s blood sugar levels increase beyond a certain limit. It’s one of the most common health conditions in India and globally. Around 1.5 million diabetic patients lose their life due to Diabetes every year. This makes Diabetes one of the most dangerous diseases. Yet, due to a lack of awareness and knowledge, many people ignore Diabetes and its early signs and symptoms.
This blog will focus on the early signs and symptoms of Diabetes. Having a clear idea about them can greatly benefit patients in managing them.
Let’s begin by understanding types of Diabetes first. Diabetes is generally classified into two categories:
Type 1 Diabetes: It is an autoimmune condition where the body attacks insulin-producing cells. This causes a rise in blood sugar levels. It is generally diagnosed at an early age.
Type 2 Diabetes: This is the most prevalent form of Diabetes. It occurs when your body develops resistance towards Insulin. Insulin is vital for the metabolism or the conversion of blood sugar into energy. So if it’s not produced in enough quantity, blood sugar will keep on rising.
Why Diabetes Count is Growing

A few years back, Type 2 Diabetes usually appeared after age 45. But recently, the number of children and adolescents diagnosed with Diabetes is growing. There are many reasons why Diabetes Count is growing across the world.
Primary reasons are unhealthy diet, inactive lifestyle, rapid urbanization and ageing. Increased consumption of sugar is also a major factor. We are adding unhealthy food without any limitations to our diet. This results in obesity which might lead to Type 2 Diabetes.
Why People Fail to Identify at Early Stage and Control Diabetes

If you think you can identify the signs of Diabetes, think again. As per a report, 47.3% of 77 million diabetic patients are undiagnosed! So it’s possible that you might have Diabetes, but it’s going undetected. Either you do not have any symptoms or are ignoring some early signs.
Unfortunately, the consequences can be devastating. Uncontrolled Diabetes can impact your routine life. In severe cases, it can even cause permanent damage to many organs. Some primary complications include blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, stroke, and foot amputation.
The best way to avoid this situation is early diagnosis and treatment. So here we are with a list of some early signs of Diabetes that you should be aware of.
Let’s begin.
Importance of Understanding Signs and Symptoms of Your Body with Diabetes

When you are aware of the early signs of Diabetes, you have enough time to consult your physician. Similarly, your physician will have enough time to control your Diabetes.
Here are some early signs and symptoms you should be aware of:
High Blood Glucose
High blood sugar levels are an obvious sign of Diabetes. As your body develops resistance towards Insulin, it cannot process blood sugar. This results in a rise in blood sugar levels. According to the IDF, India is second in the number of diabetic patients. More than 77 million people are living with the condition. Uncontrolled high blood sugar can lead to serious health complications. So, if your blood sugar levels are high, you should immediately consult a physician.
Slow-healing Infections & Sores
People with Diabetes are more susceptible to infections and sores. As high blood sugar damages nerves, these sores and infections heal. The body also becomes unable to fight the infection, and in some cases, this might lead to gangrene. As per a report by JAPI, people with Diabetes have a higher risk of developing foot infections. So if you feel your wounds or are not healing, you must consult your physician. It could be a sign of underlying Diabetes.
Extra Thirsty and Having to Urinate More
Your kidneys work to filter your blood constantly. When your blood has more sugar, your kidneys must work extra to filter it. This extra filtration results in frequent nature call, and you must urinate more. This makes your body dehydrated, and you feel thirstier. So if you feel extra thirsty and urinate more, you need a checkup. In fact, excessive thirst is a common symptom of Diabetes in India.
You’re Hungrier than Usual but Losing Weight
Your body needs energy to perform routine tasks. It derives this energy from the metabolism of sugar. Insulin resistance impacts metabolism. So you feel hungry and lose weight even after eating as the food is not metabolized. This condition is called diabetes-related weight loss. It’s quite a common symptom across a lot of patients in India. So if you are feeling the same, it’s important to consult your doctor. In fact, the ICMR notes that such weight loss is a primary symptom of Diabetes in India.
Fruity Breaths, Nausea, vomiting, confusion, and more
Your body needs a constant supply of energy. If it cannot get it from food (read glucose), it will start breaking down body fat. This condition is known as Ketoacidosis. And the most common symptom of Ketoacidosis is fruity breaths, vomiting and nausea. Some patients even complain that they feel confused. If left untreated, Ketoacidosis can be life-threatening. So keep an eye on such early signs to ensure you stay safe from Diabetes.
Blurry Vision and Frequent Headaches
The human eye possesses a lens that helps it with vision. This lens is flexible and can become thick or thin to produce sharp images. But if you have Diabetes, some fluid leaks in the lens cause it to swell. The lens loses its flexibility and is unable to change its thickness. This condition leads to blurry visions. Some patients also complain about frequent headaches. Some struggle to focus on anything around them and feel dizzy.
If you are dealing with the same condition, you might have high blood sugar levels.
You Feel Tiredness and Fatigue
As mentioned earlier, the body needs energy. It derives energy from sugar with the help of Insulin. So if your body is not producing enough Insulin, it cannot convert sugar into energy. This results in feeling fatigued and Tiredness all day long. Moreover, you feel more tired as you lose fluid due to frequent urination.
As per a research, if you feel Tired or Fatigued without any activity, you might have Diabetes. In such a situation, getting a blood sugar level test is important.
You Notice Tingling and Numbness in Your Hands or Feet
Diabetes is a progressive condition. So, higher blood sugar levels can start impacting your nerves. Nerves are a vital part of your nervous system. They manage sensations and quick responses. Higher sugar levels lead to peripheral nerve injury, also called peripheral neuropathy. This is an irreversible condition.
This condition causes tingling and numbness in your nerve endpoints. Generally, the nerves end at the toes and fingers. So if you feel tingling or numbness, you should take this sign.
You’re developing Blisters, Dryness, or Other Skin Changes
Insulin resistance also affects your skin. Observing dark, soft and thick skin patches on your armpits, back of the neck or face could be a sign of Diabetes. Some overweight patients also experience the formation of extra skin called skin tags.
Similarly, some dry or itchy skin blisters or rashes too can be an early sign of Diabetes. If you are experiencing any of the above skin changes, consult your doctor. It’s possible that you might have high blood sugar.
Yeast Infections More Often Than Usual
High blood sugar levels can result in yeast infections in the genitals. The fungus Candida albicans causes most of these infections. In women, yeast infection symptoms can include vaginal itching, redness or soreness. It can cause pain during sexual intercourse or urination and thick vaginal discharge.
Yeast infections are more common in people with Diabetes. This is because of high blood sugar levels provide more glucose for the yeast to feed on. The yeast feeds off the glucose, and if your blood sugar is high, there’s more glucose in the urinary tract. So if you are experiencing a frequent yeast infection, you better consult a doctor.
Swollen or Bleeding Gums
Excess glucose in your saliva and blood can lead to the growth of harmful bacteria in your mouth. When glucose levels are high, it creates a supportive environment for harmful bacteria. It causes plaque formation, causing tooth decay, cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. When this plaque is not removed through dental cleaning, it can harden into tartar.
This leads to tooth decay and gum disease. Swollen, tender, and bleeding gums are early warning signs of these oral health issues. So if you are experiencing this condition, you should check your sugar.
Phew, this was a long list! We understand that. Moreover, we would like to clarify one more thing. If you have any of the above signs or symptoms, it doesn’t mean you have Diabetes. It can be some other condition too.
But there is no logic in taking the risk. So, keep an eye out for these symptoms in you or any of your loved ones and stay protected. Remember, awareness is the only key to a healthy life.
Stop Treating the Symptoms and Treat the Root Cause

Now that you know the signs and symptoms, the next step is treatment. While the most common way to treat Diabetes is to treat symptoms, it might not be enough. With such a traditional approach, you might delay the Diabetes and not stop it from growing.
So it’s better to target the root cause of the problem. That’s exactly what Ayurveda is all about. Ayurveda focuses on treating causes rather than symptoms. Only then can you expect lasting relief and comfort. E.g. our patent herbal Sugar Knocker is an Ayurvedic medicine. We prepare at our advanced facilities after thorough research.
It has 30+ medical benefits for a diabetes patient. It’s a 100% Ayurvedic product with zero preservatives. You can visit our website to know more about it.
India is becoming a Diabetes hotspot. With 77 million patients growing, it’s becoming more like a pandemic. So don’t ignore even the slightest of its sign. Early diagnosis is the best treatment option for Diabetes.
While Allopathic options might help manage or suppress its symptoms, it’s not enough. You need a Holistic approach based on the Ayurvedic principle to targets the root cause. Mother Nature has blessed us with remarkable herbs. These herbs can help you with many health conditions including Diabetes. SugarKnocker is the result of decades-long research on such herbs.
It’s time adopt a natural way to stay fit and healthy. Visit our website for more details on Sugar Knocker and Diabetes.