The body becomes resistant to insulin because of vitamin deficiency thereby increasing the risk of diabetes. So. you must identify those vitamins and their roles in the body and optimize their intake and absorption to prevent or manage diabetes.
We at Sugar Knocker believe in addressing the condition from the base and eradicating the primary cause. To take action, we are providing information for the best results.
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The two major vitamins that affect insulin sensitivity in the body are vitamin D3 and vitamin B12
Let us look at the role, benefits and sources of each of them
Vitamin D3:
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that strengthens bones, teeth and the immune system. Though there are many sources of this vitamin, its most optimum source is sunlight and hence also called the “Sunshine Vitamin”. The body produces natural Vitamin D in the presence of sunlight and even an exposure of only 20 minutes every day is sufficient to maintain healthy levels of vitamin D. But either due to geographical or lifestyle factors, it is not always possible to get enough sunlight and this poses a great risk for diabetics or those prone to the condition.
Symptoms of Vitamin D include bone pain, muscle weakness, a weak immune system and even mild depression. When left untreated for extended periods, it may also lead to high blood pressure, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, cancer and type 2 diabetes.
While the ideal levels are between 20-50ng/ml, maintaining the levels around 60-80ng/ml keeps blood glucose under control.
There are two forms of this vitamin – D2 and D3. Vitamin D from fortified cereals and milk in the inferior form -D2. These vitamins are not effective as sunshine vitamins. Vitamin D3(cholecalciferol) is a vitamin produced by the body in the presence of sunlight.
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Vitamin B12:
B12 is a feel-good vitamin that is very essential for the normal functioning of the body and mind. It keeps the nervous system and blood cells healthy and unlike vitamin D, sources of B12 come through diet. Some of the early symptoms of B12 deficiency are tiredness, weakness, appetite loss, constipation and weight loss may aggravate and cause more serious problems if left untreated for a long time. Severe and long-term deficiency causes pernicious anemia which deprives cells of life-giving oxygen. It may also lead to heart disease and stroke in severe cases.
Diabetes increases the risk of nerve damage due to high glucose levels over prolonged periods, as is the case for vitamin B12 deficiency in non-diabetics. The symptoms increase the need for treatment to prevent further complications.
Exercise, sleep, right diet enhances B12 absorption. Vegetarians are deficient in vitamin B12 as the vitamin is not present in the plants. Vegans are found to be more deficient in that vitamin.
Potential causes for insulin resistance
- Increased fructose intake
- Chronic inflammation
- Inactivity
- Problems with gut microbiota
Natural sources for vitamin D 3
Vegetarian sources to increase vitamin D3
The dietary fibre intake reduced the risk of type-2 diabetes. Insoluble oat fibre improved insulin sensitivity. Fibres are not absorbed and broken down by the body, therefore it is a good source for a person with diabetes to control blood glucose levels.
Eggs are a rich source of proteins with 9 essential amino acids and have low carbohydrate content. Egg yolk contains biotin which is an excellent source for insulin production. Improves fasting blood sugar levels and efficient absorption of blood glucose into the bloodstream.
Cheese is of two types casein and whey. Whey protein stimulates insulin secretion preventing the rise in blood sugar levels. Casein protein present in dairy products is known to reduce the increase in post-prandial blood glucose concentration.
Fermentation of milk results in yoghurt. It is enriched with proteins and calcium improving probiotic gut bacteria.
Tofu and Soy milk
Soy protein and isoflavones reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels. These promote heart health and systemic metabolism. The unsaturated fatty acids improve blood glucose.
Low in glycemic index spinach does not affect your blood sugar levels. Greens low in carbohydrates help manage diabetes.
The bioactive compounds present in sesame seeds improve the production of insulin from beta cells of the pancreas. It further improves blood glucose levels.
Nutmeg optimizes insulin production in the pancreas. The phytochemical components in nutmeg improve blood glucose levels.
Maize is starch-resistant with high amylose and improves insulin sensitivity in obese men. Phytochemicals present in maize reduce insulin absorption in the body.
Probiotic foods
Kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi are fermented foods that are probiotic improving the community of beneficial bacteria and yeast in the intestine. Gut microbiome and insulin levels are interconnected and regulate blood sugar levels in addition they have a low glycemic index.
Prebiotic foods
A non-digestible fibre containing active bacteria that favour the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut help improve gut health. Prebiotic foods include garlic, onion, leeks, asparagus, cocoa, and green bananas. A healthy gut bacteria supports insulin sensitivity if the bacterial environment is unhealthy it leads to insulin resistance.
Non-vegetarian source to increase vitamin D3
Fatty fish
Adiponectin is an insulin-sensitizing hormone and consumption of fatty fish can help in circulating insulin-sensitizing hormone. It reduces fasting and postprandial risk markers of insulin resistance thus improving insulin sensitivity and supporting diabetes.
Cod Liver Oil
Studies reveal that cod liver oil reduced the increase in blood sugar levels along with insulin resistance. Long-term intake led to improve insulin sensitivity in people with metabolic disorders.
Protein-rich with high levels of zinc helps in the efficient use of glucose from the bloodstream. The protein along with zinc in oysters controls fasting blood sugar levels, hemoglobin A1c, and post-meal sugar levels. Improves immune system functioning.
Tuna, Salmon, and shrimp
Omega-3 fatty acids present in fish reduce fasting and postprandial risk markers of insulin resistance. It efficiently manages blood glucose levels enhancing the body’s absorption of insulin.
Fruits to improve Vitamin D 3
Orange is a rich source of Vitamin C which helps in strengthening immunity. The low- GI present in orange supports people with diabetes in managing blood glucose levels. The water content and fiber make it apt to control blood glucose levels.
A sudden increase in the blood glucose level helps in the production of insulin which helps the movement of sugar into the cells from the blood. Certain bioactive compounds such as phenolics, carotenoids, biogenic amines, and phytosterols improve insulin sensitivity.
apples because flavonoids, antioxidants, fibers, and polyphenols support insulin sensitivity and help control blood glucose levels.
High in dietary fiber and low in calories and carbohydrates abundant in antioxidants mainly polyphenols help improve blood sugar levels. A low glycemic index helps in insulin response and reduces post-meal sugar spikes.
Cashew nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, healthy fats, dietary fiber, protein, magnesium, and Vitamin E helps control blood glucose levels by supporting insulin sensitivity. Walnuts, peanuts, almonds, and pistachios are the best nuts to improve insulin sensitivity. Rich in vitamin E, magnesium and fiber with copper and zinc help control blood glucose levels.
Natural sources for Vitamin B 12
Vegetarian sources
Nutritional yeast
A low glycemic index containing chromium is a mineral that helps regulate blood glucose levels. Helps maintain blood glucose levels, and reduces cholesterol reducing the risk of heart disease. Beta-glucan present in nutritional yeast strengthens the immune system.
Soy, rice, almond milk
The unsaturated fatty acids help improve blood glucose levels in turn improving insulin sensitivity. A non-dairy alternative source of milk high in nutrition prevents a sudden increase in blood glucose levels.
Fortified plant-based milk
Easily digestible and efficient in reducing cholesterol promotes heart health. Vitamin E, and magnesium present in fortified plant-based milk help improve blood glucose levels.
Fortified cereals
Vitamins and minerals present in fortified cereals along with iron, zinc, calcium, and other amino acids make it an ideal food for a person with diabetes controlling blood glucose levels.
Vegetable Burgers
Whole grains, and legumes, are good sources of fibre, along with vitamins and minerals. They help in the efficient absorption of glucose from the bloodstream.
Vegetable margarine
Phytosterols and other plant substances reduce cholesterol and improve blood glucose levels. The unsaturated fats present in margarine help in the efficient uptake of glucose from the bloodstream.
Nonvegetarian sources for vitamin B 12
The nutrient choline present in seafood makes it ideal to increase Vitamin B 12 which aid insulin sensitivity.
High in sodium, fats, vitamins, and minerals is a good source of Vitamin B 12 and is efficient in controlling blood glucose levels.
Chicken is a good source of vitamin B12. It helps in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Helps in maintaining weight and nervous disorders.
Magnesium supplements glucose and insulin levels in people with type 2 diabetes. Berberine, chromium, and resveratrol improve insulin sensitivity along with certain herbs and spices such as garlic, ginger, turmeric, and fenugreek.
FAQ’s Related to Insulin Sensitivity
What are the different methods to improve insulin sensitivity?
Be active, move around, and exercise to improve insulin sensitivity. Weight management along with health supplements can improve insulin sensitivity.
How long will it take to improve insulin sensitivity?
8-weeks of 30-minute intense workouts such as aerobics help in improving insulin sensitivity with efficient management of blood glucose levels.
How to increase your insulin sensitivity naturally?
Consumption of complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, dairy, and healthy fats helps improve insulin sensitivity naturally.
How important it is to improve insulin sensitivity?
Making your cells responsive to insulin is imperative to control blood glucose levels and prevent further diabetic complications.
Does insulin sensitivity fluctuate?
Insulin sensitivity changes during the day with decreased values at night.
What makes insulin sensitivity a priority?
Insulin sensitivity is important not only in people with diabetes but also in others without the disease. Insulin sensitivity reduces problems associated with obesity, high blood pressure, and cholesterol.
What are the best vitamins for insulin sensitivity?
Vitamin D 3 and B 12 play a pivotal role in insulin sensitivity.
What affects insulin sensitivity?
Insulin sensitivity decreases with age.
Does stress affect insulin sensitivity?
Stress hormones adrenalin and cortisol causing fight and flight response affect insulin sensitivity.
Does insulin sensitivity support muscle growth?
Insulin sensitivity supports muscle growth, and insulin sensitivity improves the restoration of muscle glycogen.
Vitamin deficiency can reduce insulin sensitivity therefore consider vegetarian and non-vegetarian sources to naturally improve insulin sensitivity. Also, you can expose yourself to sunlight and remain physically active and be sensitive to insulin.