10 Best Natural Home Remedies For Diabetes
Home Remedies For Diabetes mellitus or more commonly known as diabetes is the biggest health challenge of modern times. Mostly prevalent as type 1 and type 2 diabetes, this condition is a health disorder that needs lifestyle modifications. Diabetics will have symptoms like fatigue, weight loss, excessive thirst, increased urination, cuts and bruises that heal slowly.
The only way to control diabetes apart from medicines is to keep your blood sugar levels under control. This is possible if one can lead a healthy lifestyle. It is possible to live a normal life even if you are diabetic with small lifestyle changes. Along with this, we also know a lot of powerful natural remedies for diabetes and blood sugar level control.
Study shows that with over 50 million diabetics, India is the diabetes capital of the world. Thankfully awareness levels have gone up now and there are various natural ways by which we can treat diabetes at home. But, do consult your Ayurveda physician before starting on any remedies listed below to avoid complications.
[Also Read Ayurveda For Diabetes: How To Manage Diabetes Naturally]
Why imbibe is home remedy for diabetes?
Natural home remedies for diabetes are not an outdated idea. It has been a part of our Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes for ages. “How to control diabetes home remedies ?” is popular again after all the allopathic medicines have failed to treat the root cause of diabetes. Diabetes remedies are the need of the hour. A natural home remedy for diabetes is the best as they do not have any side effects. These Ayurvedic treatments for diabetes involve only herbs and herbal extracts. These extracts and supplements are extremely safe and effective to treat lifestyle disorders like diabetes.
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Effective Home Remedy for Diabetes
Diabetes is not a disease. In fact, it is a lifestyle disorder. If you are diagnosed with diabetes the best way to deal with them would be through natural remedies for diabetes. Here are a few natural remedies for diabetes listed that can be followed by everyone safely.
If followed religiously, these tips would aid in a natural cure for sugar diabetes :
- Avoid refined sugar as it spikes blood sugar levels rapidly.
- Avoid grains that have gluten as its intake can lead to serious autoimmune diseases.
- Alcohol not only damages your liver but also attacks the pancreas that produces insulin. Hence alcohol consumption is directly related to diabetes. Even beer should be avoided because it carries a lot of carbohydrates.
- GMO foods have the capability to promote diabetes along with causing liver and kidney diseases. Go for products that are labeled as GMO-free.
- Cinnamon is a known stimulant for insulin activity. Cinnamon contains a bioactive compound that can help fight and prevent diabetes.
- Aloe Vera is bitter in taste, but combining it with buttermilk makes it taste better. Usually, aloe Vera is used for beauty purposes but as it has anti-inflammatory properties it can heal wounds. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is said to control blood sugar levels.
- Consuming approximately 100 grams of Jamun every day is said to show tremendous improvement in your blood sugar levels. This is because Jamun leaves have proven to be helpful in lowering blood sugar levels. It also increases insulin sensitivity. There are a lot of health benefits for Jamun.
- Recent studies have shown that consuming approximately 600 mg of Vitamin C daily can improve the blood glucose level. People who have chronic diabetes should consume foods rich in Vitamin C every day like amla, orange, tomato, and blueberry.
- Remember the Bitter gourd? Not many like the taste of it but it can really do wonders to improve blood glucose control. People with type 2 diabetes can have it as a stir-fried dish. They can also extract the juice and consume it on an empty stomach in the mornings. Make it a regular part of your eating chart and you can notice the difference. It is really helpful in diabetes treatment.
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Every diabetic needs to exercise. It can be any kind of physical activity like yoga, Zumba, aerobics, gym, or playing sports. Walking every day can help to reduce the blood sugar level tremendously. As much as healthy eating is crucial, a good fitness regime is also mandatory. Consume Ayurvedic supplements like SugarKnocker, made completely with natural herbal extracts, to manage diabetes naturally. With the consolidated effort of healthy food, physical activity, and ayurvedic supplements, a diabetic can lead a normal life.
Two /Three glasses of alcoholic is ok per day, is what the article says.
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