Most of the Diseases Including Diabetes can be Easily Managed By Incorporating Simple Formula "Aahara (Diet) - Vihaara (Lifestyle) - Aushadhi (Medicines)". Each of these will Contribute 33% - 33% - 33% in diabetes Management & Reversal.
Drawing on its extensive experience in the field, Sushruth Ayurved Industries brings you the natural herbal supplement Sugar Knocker, a combination of eleven herbal extracts and minerals that have been used for many years in traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine.
Sugar Knocker focuses on holistic health improvement along with solving problem of diabetes. It ensures to control your diabetes as well as rejuvenate entire body of the diabetic. Rejuvenation comes through healthy lifestyle, proper diet and of course, the herbal medicines.
Utilize the Goodness of Ayurveda with the help of 11 Herbal Supplements to fight with diabetes & improve the quality of your life!